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Using the CLI


lemna build

Use a custom path

lemna build my-app/lemna.config.mjs

Use glob patterns

lemna build lambdas/**/lemna.config.mjs


Create a .env file and place your AWS credentials in it. Then run:

lemna deploy

Note: deploy will run build automatically

Use a custom path

lemna deploy my-app/lemna.config.mjs

Use glob patterns

lemna deploy lambdas/**/lemna.config.mjs

Deploy multiple functions

lemna deploy firstconfig.mjs secondconfig.mjs [...]

List functions

lemna ls

Example: Print the runtime of my functions

lemna ls | jq -C "[.[].Runtime]"
lemna show my-function

Delete function

lemna rm my-function


Run with LEMNA_LOG_LEVEL=error/warn/info/verbose/debug/silly

LEMNA_LOG_LEVEL=silly lemna deploy